6.706 km | 4.167 miles

A backyard ultra is run on a trail which is exactly 6.706km or 4.167 miles long. This course is called a “yard”. Yards can consist of purely trail or a combination of trail and road.


Every hour on the hour

Runners have exactly one hour to complete a yard. A new yard starts every hour, exactly on the hour. With time left from an hour runners can rest, eat and recover. Runners not in the corral once the hour is up, are out.


One winner

There can be only one winner. A winner is declared if the last person standing can complete a full yard within the allotted time. The runner-up is then known as the “Assist”.



There is no end in a backyard ultra. The current PBBU record is 33 yards or 221,1km set by Nicky Booyens in April 2024. The current SA record is 55 yards. The world record is 108 yards or 723km!




33 yards





To make the race more accessible to the broader running community, we now have three different entries linked to possible distances you would like to run.

Backyard Half (4 yards or less)

R 180

New to a Backyard Ultra?

  • So you want to figure out what this is all about?
  • A whee bit scared are we?
  • 4 yards or 26.8km.
  • This entry excludes a race garment.
  • Remember…just one more loop.
Enter here

Backyard Marathon (7 yards or less)


Been running for a while now?

  • For those with commitment issues.
  • 7 yards or 46.9km.
  • Abuse by the Unicorn still guaranteed.
  • Excludes race garment.
  • Choose wisely young padawan.
Enter here

Awesome Venue Entry Format for all athletes

The PBBU is hosted by  Lekwena Wildlife Estate, 10km outside Potchefstroom. To make the race more accessible to the broader running community, we now have three different entries linked to possible distances you would like to run.

Learn more about Lekwena Wildlife Reserve

The PBBU is a silver ticket event

Fancying going to the World Team Champs and even making it to Big Dog’s Backyard Ultra in Tennessee? The winner of the PBBU gets an automatic entry into the biennial South African Team for the World Champs.


So what do our runners think about the PBBU?

“My first ever PBBU and what an experience. Starting in the cold morning and ending in the heat of the day. Smashed my personal best (23km) by doing 7 yards(46.5km). The motivation from the pink unicorn and all the runners and supporters was really cool to experience. I will definitely be back and this time I want to end at midnight.”

Martin de Beer
7 yards

“I did my first PBBU in April 2023 and I loved it! It was a great course with a bit of everything – flats, climbing, downhills and very little technical running so it made it very runnable for everyone. The set-up, vibe and venue were perfect for a BYU and the water point treats were very very yummy! I will definitely come back for another one, thanks for a great event!”

Nicky Booyens
33 yards and current pbbu record holder

“The eager desire to continue running until I either run out of time or my legs quit, and to push my body further each time, started at PBBU! I’ve only been running for 3 years, and I’ve learned so much from running these events. One of the most important things that I took away from my last PBBU is trial and error and to learn from this. I will come back every time with the mindset to improve my previous yards and to be better than what I was previously. The best thing about PBBU is the community that it creates and to be part of that is special. Thanks for always making me believe I can go just one more yard!”

Nico Prinsloo
15 yards

“It was a wild and wacky experience. Totally off the grid. Great support. Excellent organisation. Lovely surroundings. A totally uplifting and positive escapade.”

Ockert van Schalkwyk and Charmaine Potgieter
4 yards


26-27 April 2025

Lekwena Wildlife Estate

North-West Province of South Africa.

Enter now

Aid station

Each runner is provided with a 5m x 5m plot in which to erect your aid station. We do provide a communal aid station but the variety is limited. Ensure you are well-fueled and hydrated!

Chomp, chomp, chomp


Most Backyard Ultras are won with between 20 and 30 yards, with low key grassroots events generally running from 12-24 hours. Being in Potch we are blessed with numerous superheroes able to push over the 24-hour barrier. Gear therefore is of utmost importance. Although there is no compulsory gear for this run we do suggest a few essentials…

So what would I need?


Although it might not seem like it, a backyard ultra does, in fact have a number of rules that must be adhered to. These are described by the founder of the backyard ultra format – Lazarus Lake – and is applied world-wide.

So what are the rules? Read more on backyardultra.com


As with all backyard ultras the PPBU is 6,706 km or 4,167 miles. Our yard for 2023 is run at Lekwena Wildlife Estate, 10km outside of Potchefstroom. The yard has an elevation gain/loss of 80m.

click to enlarge GPX file here