Aid Station

Just one more loop...

Each runner is awarded a 3m x 3m space on lovely green lawn to set-up your own aid station/rest area. These designated areas are adjacent to the corral, thus you are only a few second away from the starting line. You can setup your area anyway you like.

Aid stations/gazebos/tents/igloos/mountain huts/shipping containers must be erected in the designated area and should not interfere with the course route. These aid stations can be communal (shared between runners) and must be able to assist the runner(s) for the duration of their event. Each runner will be allowed an area the size of a standard gazebo (3m x 3m). However, if you want to be nice, team-up and share a space.

Your aid station/cozy area can be set-up from 15:00 on the Friday, prior to the commencement of the PBBU, or as per pre-race communication. Showers are on hand for those camping.

We will also have a communal aid station with some fruits, energy drinks, sweets, water, lost puppies and dreams, and other goodies which you are welcome to enjoy. It might not contain exactly what your stomach feels like…so come prepared. However, your aid station is your own responsibility. You are thus responsible to care for yourself. This is not a nanny road race!


Most Backyard Ultras are won with between 20 and 30 yards, with low key grassroots events generally running from 12-24 hours. Being in Potch we are blessed with numerous superheroes able to push over the 24-hour barrier. Gear therefore is of utmost importance.  Although there is no compulsory gear for this run we do suggest you consider the following:

  • A reliable weather app 5 days prior to the event.
  • Something warm, and fuzzy…if required (spouses and Philippa Gregory books excluded).
  • Nutrition and hydration for your aid station that will delay the sweet release of DNF’ing. 
  • A hydration belt/pack. Although each yard is only 6,7km, you might get thirsty…then what?!
  • A reliable headlamp with replacement batteries (especially for those considering running more than 10 yards).
  • Replacement socks and maybe an extra pair of shoes (trail shoes dummy!).
  • Pocket money for coffee at Draaipunt Cafe and other snackies.
  • Hat and sun cream.
  • Sleeping bag, comfy chair/stretcher, warm blankie. 
  • Cheerleaders with pompoms.